While perusing
Made By Girl, I saw a post she featured that Tam had written at
Get It Girl Style. It talks about some of the not so positive things going on in the blogging world and it really hit a nerve with me. It got me thinking about when I first started blogging almost a year ago and how fortunate I was that I didn't really run into too much of that negativity. I was actually extremely lucky to get great advice and willingness to be in my features by some big bloggers (my blog "celebrities) and cannot thank them enough for that.
Another thing Tam talked about was how if blogging becomes a chore and it's not genuine, take some time away. This of course resonated with me because this is exactly what I've done the past few months. As you know, it's been really hard for me to find the time to blog since starting my new job and I took a longer hiatus from it than I had planned. I've started to really miss it though and have decided that it's something that I love and I'm going to commit to making more time for.
It also got me thinking about why I blog which is actually something that's been on my mind a lot lately. I love reading your comments and hearing from you but I really do blog because I love it and love sharing my finds and thoughts with my fellow bloggers. It's cathartic in a way sharing your thoughts with complete strangers--I'd say the majority of my closest friends don't even know I have a blog!!! I guess you could say blogging is my "secret single behavior" (see post below).
Anyways, I'll get to my point, just wanted to say thanks to all of you that have stuck with me during my hiatus and hello to any new readers. Also, thanks to all of the bloggers that participated in my "Blog Du Jour" series during my early blogging days--that definitely meant a lot to me and it was so much fun getting to know you all! If any bloggers ever need advice or a new blog friend, I'm definitely here for you!